Bridge over water in Washington DC

TCS Interpreting and Captions is located in Montgomery County, Maryland, and we strive to provide convenient, world-class American Sign Language (ASL) interpretations nationwide.

We are committed to working alongside businesses and organizations who understand the needs of Deaf employees, clients, and the general public. We advance language access through our certified and highly trained interpreters.

We have the largest number of interpreters in the Washington, DC metropolitan area but our services are not limited to DC, Maryland and Virginia. No matter where you are across the country, TCS Interpreting and Captions can support your ASL needs, whether in-person or remotely through live video. We are dedicated to breaking down language barriers so everyone can communicate efficiently and effectively.


In 1982 Deaf entrepreneurs, Myrna and Phil Aiello started Abacus N Bytes, Inc., a computer store offering IT and Assistive Technology services. In 2005, the business grew to offer expert interpreting services, which began a new era for the then-named TCS Associates. After experiencing rapid growth and expansion, TCS Associates decided to restructure each division into separate legal entities in 2015, paving the way for TCS Interpreting, now TCS Interpreting and Captions.

Jessica Aiello as a young girl with her parents outside a building with a sign that says software

Today, Joshua Pennise, CEO, leads TCS Interpreting and Captions in partnership with Jessica Aiello, founder and Chief Strategic Officer.

Our Values

Our mission is to advance equitable access by providing world-class language access to the Deaf community.

Be All In

We are committed to superior service that exceeds expectations.

Got Your Back

We are your equitable access partner.

Lifelong Learning

We are committed to advancing our capabilities through partnership and continued education.

Make a Way

We work together to create equitable solutions.